Monday, May 24, 2010

The Past Week...

During the past week I have gotten some information that was much needed yet cannot be used except for my own knowledge. I was given information from a source who will remain anonymous. First of all, I was told that SRS cannot substantiate findings soley based on interviews and no documented proof or evidence. Therefore, I was told, the fact that my husband and I are appealing the decisions SRS made to substantiate sexual abuse and lack of supervision was a good choice.

I was also advised that obtaining a foster care license can take over a year to get and so this had to be something that this woman has been planning on doing for quite some time. Also, the fact that my daughter calls her mommy yet when I ask her who she is talking to she clearly tells me that she was talking to Anna that this is a sign of coaching her to call her mommy, as well as the fact that during visits my child does not act fearful of my husband yet talks very openly and friendly about him that this would point to coaching as well to get her to say negative things about him. I was told that usually with children this young once they are placed in counseling and talk about "bad things" that happen to them they begin fearing the perpetrator if these acts are in fact happening. If these are simply stories the child is feeding then there is no fear because these things aren't happening.

I was also advised that in court since there is not even an open police investigation that I should be able to win at trial. I was told if I do not win to take it to a jury trial. The case is based on hearsay from Anna and the therapist. There has not even been any recordings of interviews done between my child and the therapist. I was told to request a court ordered 2nd opinion as well as to have Anna take a psych eval also.

I had a visit with my daughter Friday and it was awful. They literally had to get another worker to take her so that I would be able to leave. She kept crying and holding on to me telling me she didn't want me to go and that she wanted to stay with me. It was horrible and heartwrenching. The worker who sat in on the visit said that that is good for him to hear her beg for me not to go yet why won't they allow her to come home?! None of this makes any sense. I feel like I am drowning and I keep clawing my way to justice.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this is happening. It is such a tragedy. Everytime I read another blog I just wanna cry. I can only imagine what you are going through. I would be destroyed if my daughter was taken from me for no good reason. My heart goes out to you and I hope for you and your kids sake that someone realizes the mistake that has been made.

    Becky Metcalf
